Viagra is one of the most widely used drugs for erectile dysfunction.
The famous little blue pill helps men get their sex life back on track and boosts their confidence at the same time. But, getting the most out of this drug means you need to pay attention to the shelf life of Viagra.
How long is it?
In this post, you'll learn everything you need to know about Viagra shelf life and effectiveness.
The Shelf Life of Viagra
Most of us don't wonder how long does Viagra lasts, but it's essential to know that to experience the best effects. To determine the shelf life, the manufacturer has carried out long-term stability studies, including different conditions and temperatures.
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Based on the results, they determined that the shelf life of Viagra is two years, unlike three years of Cialis shelf life.
The shelf life applies when users store the drug properly. Data of the studies also substantiate the stability of the finished product over a maximum of five years (1). The manufacturer specifies shelf life on the packaging.
How to Make Viagra Last Long
Viagra shelf life is just an indicator of the timeframe during which the drug yields the best results. Inadequate storage can damage the shelf life of the drug, that's the last thing you want. The solution is simple, keep Viagra in a cool and dry place where the temperature remains below 30°C.
Avoid storing the drug near the skin in the bathroom and make sure not to leave it in the car or on windowsills. Another essential thing to do is to keep the tablets in the pack until it's time to take them; otherwise, they won't last long enough (2).
Past Expiration Viagra – Is It Safe?
Ideally, you should not take Viagra past expiration date. Shelf life or expiration date is on the packaging for a reason; the manufacturer ensures that is the limit until which the drug provides the best results. If the drug expires, make sure to consult your doctor and seek a prescription for new pills with the “good” date.
How Long It Takes for Viagra to Work?
Besides the shelf life of Viagra, it's also useful to learn some facts about the onset of the effects, because that way you will have more realistic expectations.
The amount of time necessary for sildenafil (Viagra) to start working depends on various factors ranging from the severity of ED to your diet and lifestyle. Viagra usually starts working with 30 minutes.
One study found that most men achieved an erection 27 minutes after taking the drug (3), but for some men, it can take as little as 12 minutes.
Besides stronger erections, Viagra also improves the quality of life and satisfaction for treated men (4). It's also useful to mention that higher doses of Viagra are not necessarily more beneficial as studies associate them with a bigger risk of side effects that propel men to stop taking the drug (5).
The manufacturer has carried studies in various settings and temperatures to determine the shelf life of Viagra, and results revealed it is two hours. The expiration of Viagra can accelerate even before the date on the packaging if you don't store the drug properly.
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