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cialis shelf life

Everything You Need to Know about Cialis Shelf Life

 Cialis, the brand name for tadalafil, is one of the most common drugs men use to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). The drug works by increasing blood flow to the penis to fill out penile chambers, create engorgement, and lead to an erection.

Clinical trials have confirmed both the efficacy and safety of the drug for all severities and etiologies of ED, including difficult-to-treat cases (1). Still, it’s also crucial to know all about the Cialis shelf life.

The main objective of this post is to inform you about the shelf life of this drug, so keep reading to learn more.

When Does Cialis Expire?

The expiry date of Cialis is printed on the packaging. Generally speaking, the shelf life of this drug is three years (2). Interestingly, the Cialis shelf life is longer than that of Viagra, which is two years.

That being said, the shelf life of this and any other drug is reliable only when pills are correctly stored. While Cialis doesn’t require some extensive storage measures, there are some rules you need to follow.

Make sure to store Cialis at room temperature between 59°F and 86°F (15°C and 30°C) in dry areas. Men who use Cialis to manage ED shouldn’t store the drug in wet and damp areas such as the bathroom as well as rooms with higher temperatures.

Cialis Shelf Life Expired – Can I Still Use It?

Shelf life indicates the time when a particular drug, in this case, Cialis, has the highest potency and delivers the best results.

Even though some men say they have used Cialis past expiration date and still achieved an erection, you should stick to the timeframe the manufacturer has provided. When in doubt, consult your healthcare provider or pharmacist.

What About Cialis Half-Life?

When discussing the shelf life of Cialis, it is also essential to address half-life. The term half-life refers to the time it takes for the amount of drug in the body to reduce by half. This is important because shorter half-life could lead to more withdrawal problems while longer half-life could induce fewer problems.

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Studies show that tadalafil half-life is about 17.5 hours with significant activity 24 hours post-dosing (3). Compared to other ED drugs, Cialis has prolonged half-life (4), which is due to the low volume of distribution, slow hepatic clearance, and about 80% of bioavailability.

Upon ingestion, Cialis reaches the maximum plasma concentration in two hours, but the onset of action is 15 minutes on average while the efficacy may persist for 36 hours. Patients generally report improved erectile function and sex life as well as the overall quality of life (5).


The Cialis shelf life is three years, but as with other drugs, it is applicable only when pills are appropriately stored.

To get the most out of Cialis, make sure you store it in a dry place where the temperature isn’t high. Avoid using Cialis past the expiration date and consult your doctor in case you have any doubts or questions.