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Snorting Viagra

What Are the Dangers of Snorting Viagra?

Sip or Snort: How Do You Take Your Viagra?

Even though it is more commonly used to correct erectile dysfunction (4), Viagra is ultimately a tool to aid in sexual intercourse, which is an activity many people engage in for mutual enjoyment. While this is alright as long as Viagra is taken as directed by a qualified pharmacist, snorting Viagra with other drugs is never a smart idea…

But it certainly can be a fun one. Despite the side effects of Viagra abuse and overconsumption, many people, women and men alike enjoy medicine as a recreational drug.

At parties and raves, where drugs are common and run rampant inside everyone’s blood vessels, people enjoy Viagra with either one or a mixture of other medications; examples include nicotine from cigarettes, cocaine, ecstasy, marijuana, and crystal meth.

All these drugs can cause sexual deficiencies; mind-altering drugs, like meth and marijuana, slow down the brain’s function and make it harder for the brain to send and receive signals from across the body.

However, adding the alleged “wonder drug” (1) Viagra to the mix makes things more interesting from a sexual perspective.

Users often deem it as achieving the “best of both worlds,” in simple terms; on the one hand, they get to enjoy the high brought by mainstream hallucinogens, while on the other, they can enjoy thorough sexual intimacy without worrying about the other drugs reducing their sexual capacity.

Viagra: Erectile Dysfunction or Sexual Overdrive?

Initially, Viagra was sold for the sake of curing erectile dysfunction in men, particularly those over 40 years of age (2, 3). However, as we can see, it is now being used as a recreational drug. Yet, this has its dangers.

Viagra is a medicine; overdosing on it qualifies as abuse and is bound to harm your health. Even prolonged drug usage can sometimes be seriously harmful (5, 6).

Some couples choose to down multiple pills of Viagra within the same night with the assumption that it will prolong their intimate sessions.

This is a misconception; Viagra cannot and never will extend the duration of sexual intercourse. It is merely a tool to increase blood flow to the penis, allowing for it to stay erect for longer; the aim is to allow men who have trouble with maintaining an erection to be able to enjoy sexual intimacy.

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Taking Cocaine and Snorting Viagra

Viagra comes in a pill form, packed in its distinctive signature blue coating; it’s not hard to spot the pill from afar. Cocaine, unlike Viagra, comes as a white powder. For this reason, and as cocaine is the primary drug in most cases, many people choose to crush their Viagra and snort it with cocaine.

Taking Viagra through the nose is not the best option and can result in brain problems with prolonged abuse (7).

Furthermore, it can cause heart problems because Viagra also influences heart health. Pairing it with cocaine and snorting Viagra for more extended periods is bound to cause serious heart problems. It can lead to cardiac arrest, chest pain, or, in extreme cases, death. Seizures and strokes are not uncommon, either.

Snorting Viagra with cocaine can make it difficult for an erection to go away, with many lasting over four hours. This condition is known as priapism and is often seen in Viagra abusers.

Continuously snorting Viagra with cocaine can lead to a condition known as serotonin syndrome. Serotonin syndrome results from excessive use of recreational drugs that induce a high, especially when they are used alongside a powerful stimulant like Viagra.

In serotonin syndrome, victims experience a dizzying array of symptoms ranging from high body temperature, which can cause death-physical agitation, peaked reflexes, tremors, excessive sweating, dilated pupils, and diarrhea (8).

Serotonin syndrome is dangerous and can lead to death. High body temperature, for example, can denature the body’s enzymes and protein molecules.

When this happens, many chemical reactions that maintain the body’s health cease to exist. Once these chemical pathways are blocked, things begin to go wrong in the body. Ultimately, all the essential functions that keep us alive fail, and the body that was once alive becomes a corpse.

Conclusion: Snorting Viagra Is Not Safe

Snorting Viagra is irresponsible and a threat to your life, particularly when practiced for more extended periods, over weeks, months, and, rarely, years. Viagra should never be snorted, especially not with other drugs such as cocaine, or the consequences could prove to be fatal and irreversible.