Every man wants a bigger, stronger, and more powerful penis that will take his sexual prowess to a whole new level. Nowadays, tons of products on the market promise to enlarge manhood, but in most cases, everything remains on bold claims and no results.
But, does Cialis make you bigger? This drug is widely used by men who struggle with erectile dysfunction (ED), so it’s reasonable to wonder if it can also enhance the size of manhood. Scroll down to get the facts.
Can You Increase Penis Size?
Penis size is a topic where the opinions of men and women differ. While 85% of women are completely satisfied with their partner’s penis size, only 55% of men are pleased with the size of their manhood. Moreover, 45% of men want their penis to be larger, while only 0.2% would like it to be smaller (1).
A great deal of a man’s confidence and self-esteem lies in satisfaction with penis size. That’s why most men would love to enlarge it and are hoping they can do so without too much effort.
Unfortunately, many products that claim they can make your penis bigger don’t work. Various medical, traction, injection, prosthetic, and reconstructive manners for enhancement of penile girth are available, but they are poorly studied and considered experimental (2).
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Even though we see ads for penile enhancement and products all the time, there is little scientific support for any nonsurgical method (3).
But, Does Cialis Make You Bigger?
Cialis, the brand name for the drug tadalafil, is a well-known pharmacologic solution for men who struggle with erectile dysfunction. Studies confirm that the intake of this drug can give you a strong and durable erection. The best thing is that the drug is well-tolerated. While some men get an erection within 15 minutes, it can take up to two hours for most men (4).
The answer to “Does Cialis make you bigger” question is tricky because the drug works to improve blood flow to the penis and thereby help men achieve an erection. Erections make your penis larger than it is in a flaccid state, but the effects don’t go beyond that.
In other words, Cialis can make your penis stronger, harder, and more engorged. During intercourse, it can be bigger (of course), but it won’t lead to dramatic improvements in penis size, in general.
Can Cialis Enlarge the Penis in Some People Anyway?
This is where things become complicated; although Cialis can’t enlarge the penis in a classical meaning of the word, it can prevent loss of penile length in some men.
A study from the journal Urology found that intake of tadalafil once a day protects from penile length loss and may contribute to protection against cavernosal structural changes in men who have undergone nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy.
So, does Cialis make you bigger? Not literally, but it can help some men preserve their current penile length (5).
Throughout this article, we aimed to explain does Cialis makes you bigger. The answer is not simple; while the drug won’t dramatically increase the size of the penis, it gives you stronger erections. Plus, it can help some men preserve the length of their manhood.
Further Exploration: How to Increase Girth Size Permanently
After understanding the effects of Cialis on penis size, many readers often wonder about other methods to enhance their girth permanently. If you're curious about this topic and seeking the best penis extender solutions, explore our comprehensive guide on how to increase girth size permanently.
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